"Risk Simulation and Queuing" taught by Dr. Cliff Ragsdale - 4 week online course - 11/22/13 to 12/19/13 See More Overview, Feature, Discount And Buyer Reviews
"Risk Simulation and Queuing" taught by Dr. Cliff Ragsdale - 4 week online course - 11/22/13 to 12/19/13 Special Discount and Cheap Price Via Click The Link Below
Product Description
Aim of the Course:
Construct and implement simulation models to model (1) uncertainty in input variables, yielding a risk interval of possible other outcomes,(2) variability in arrivals over time and ensuing queues and (3) how to incorporate model results in decision trees to make optimal decisions.
Familiarity with spreadsheet operations.
Who Should Take This Course:
Business analysts and managers with responsibility for specifying, creating, deploying or interpreting quantitative decision models.
SESSION 1: Risk Analysis
SESSION 2: Advanced Simulation
SESSION 3: Queuing
SESSION 4: Multistage Decision Problems
Required Text:
Please purchase Spreadsheet Modeling & Decision Analysis, 6th ed. by Cliff Ragsdale at http://www.amazon.com/Spreadsheet-Modeling-Decision-Analysis-Introduction/dp/0538746319
The course uses Risk Solver Platform for Education add-in for Excel. When you buy or rent the book, you get a course code to download and install the software for 140 days
Course Organization:
The course takes place online at the Institute for 4 weeks. In class discussions led by the instructor, you can post questions, seek clarification, and interact with your fellow students and instructor.
Typically requires 15 hours per week. Beginning of each week, you receive the relevant material, in addition to answers to exercises from the previous session. During the week, you go over the course materials, work through exercises, and submit answers. Discussion among participants is encouraged. The instructor will provide answers and comments, and at the end of the week, you will receive individual feedback on your homework answers.
Product Details
- Brand: Statistics.com The Institute for Statistics Education
- Number of items: 1
- Taught by world renowned expert, Dr. Cliff Ragsdale, who is available throughout course to answer questions and lead discussions.
- 4 week course: 11/22/13 to 12/19/13
- Work from any computer, at any time during the course
- No set times when you are required to be online
- Course consists of discussion forum with instructor, homework with individual feedback, and guided readings.